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LS 1317

H. 2. 15b

LS 1317

Glossaries and Miscellanea.

fol., 13" × 8", chart., s. xvii.

Prefixed is a note in the handwriting of Maurice Gorman, giving the names of the persons who stole the horses, mules, and asses of the cardinal who had been sent from Rome to Ireland to instruct the people in the time of Donnell More O'Brien, king of Munster, in consequence of which crime the Pope sold the rent and law of Ireland to the Saxons. See the same account in the old MSS., 1336 (H 3. 17), and 1363 (H 4. 22).

pp. 1-6. On these leaves are mounted small mutilated fragments, containing jottings at wide intervals for a glossarial index, ex. gr. under the heading, Ea, is, re eabh .l. furail.

p. 7 (headed L. Ei) is continuous.

pp. 9, 10. Fragment of a historical poem.

pp. 11, 12. Fragment of a Glossary ; the leaf torn in half down the middle. Example, "Acuis a causa .I. on cuis."?

p. 13 ( 91 ). 14 ff. The Glossary of Cormac mac Cuileannain, Bp. of Cashel (d. A.D. 908), transcribed for Donogh by a scribe named Fland, who, on p. 114, writes, 'O Donnchadh, it is a great shame for thee to ask me to write on St. Finnan's day. I Fland.' The glossary ends on p. 115; the first two leaves are much mutilated.

Cormac's Glossary was edited by Dr. Whitley Stokes, "Three Irish Glossaries," London, 1862. He calls this copy Codex C. Again, transl. by O'Donovan, ed. Stokes. Calcutta, 1868. On the verso of the last folio is a letter from Dongalach O'Riardan to O'Kennedy, on behalf of a poor man to whom, it would seem, O'Kennedy had refused to pay his wages.

p. 39 ( 116 ). Duil laithne. I fol. A glossary of the artificial language called Ogham. See Stokes, 'Goidelica,' 2nd ed., p. 72, and Thurneysen, Rev. Celt., vii., p. 369. Also Prof. K. Meyer, Journal of the Gipsy Lore Society, Jan. 1909, where a photographic facsimile is given. This is followed by a fragment of a glossary (I fol.) extending only to the letter G. A transcript of this by O'Curry is in No. 1338.

p. 43 ( 120 ). 8 ff. Another Irish Glossary on a larger scale, defective at the beginning. It wants all of A and B, and part of C. The part containing S, T, U is much injured and mutilated. Examples are given to establish the meaning of the words. This is O'Davoren's Glossary, written A.D. 1569, copied (according to O'Curry) by Duald Mac Firbis. Published from a vellum MS. in the British Museum by Dr. Whitley Stokes.

p. 59 ( 135 ). ff. 9. A short anecdote of Adamnan, 8th Abbot of Iona (apparently of the 17th century). Publ by Prof. K. Meyer, Zeits. v. 495. Followed by an imperfect copy of the so-called second Visio Adamnani, with Latin and English translations. For this Vision see Stokes, Rev. Celt. xii; (from Leabhar Breac).

P. 75 ( 153 ). f. I. Poem on the family of O'Dowd of Tireragh. Imperfect, and hardly legible.

P.77 ( 155 ). ff. 27. Another copy of Cormac's Glossary (edited by Dr. Whitley Stokes, Codex D). The handwriting is that of Duald Mac Firbis (O'Curry). There are corrections and insertions by a later hand.

p. 102 id. a.l. (178 ). Fragment of an etymological tract, extending only to the letter C. It begins : Incipit discreptio [sic] de origine Scoticae linguae. There is a perfect copy of this tract in No. 1318.

p. 105 ( 181 ). ff. 9. An imperfect copy of the 'Uraicept' of Cennfaelad : see No. 1289.

p. 131. ff. II. Fragment of the Irish Law Glossary referred to by Duald Mac Firbis in the preface to his (MS.) genealogical work as his 'Law Glossary,' and in his handwriting. This fragment treats of the laws relating to poets. There is a transcript by O'Curry in 1338 and 1401. This was formerly followed by a single-leaf fragment now transferred to 1318, col. 345, where it belongs.

p. 157 (229). ff. 76. A copy of the historical and topographical work called the Dinnseanchus (see Book of Ballymote).