The Rare Book & Manuscript Library (RBML) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is one of the largest publicly accessible special collections repositories in the United States. The collections nearly 500,000 volumes and just over two linear miles of manuscript material encompass the broad areas of literature, history, art, theology, philosophy, technology, and the natural sciences. Established in 1936, the RBML is renowned for its outstanding collections of Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, early printed books, English literature, American wit and humor, theater history, free speech movements, Italian history, the history of economics, the history of science and technology, mathematics, geology, and natural history. The literary papers of such notable figures as Marcel Proust, Carl Sandburg, H.G. Wells, William Maxwell, Gwendolyn Brooks, Shana Alexander, and W.S. Merwin are also housed in The Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
In keeping with the University of Illinois’ public education mission, RBML staff stewards the largest publicly available University collection of rare books and manuscripts in the United States as part of the public trust. RBML believes that rare books and manuscripts are for everyone, and takes the mission to preserve and share these treasures held in public trust very seriously.
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library is deeply committed to making our shared cultural heritage publicly available to all who wish to interact with it.
Find out more about the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign here.