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LS 1398/71



15th cent. Vellum. 29.5–30 × 19.5–20 cm. Ff. 1, unnumbered, with columns on recto headed (in pencil) ‘[a]’ and ‘[b]’, respectively, and on verso ‘[c]’ and ‘[d]’, respectively. Numbered ‘1398/71’ (in pencil) in upper margin of recto and of verso. MS comprises a single leaf, formerly part of NUIM MS C 110, a collection of vellum fragments (for order of leaves in C 110, see below). No scribal signature. In the hand of Eoin Ó Callannáin, scribe of C 110, pp. 1–14, whose colophon (C 110, p. 5b43–53), written at Roscarbery, Co. Cork, and dated 15 May 1414, identifies him as translator of the text he had transcribed (Pádraig Ó Fiannachta, Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge Choláiste Phádraig Má Nuad: Clár Fascúl 6 (Má Nuad 1969) 69–71; idem, ‘An O'Donovan source’ Irish Ecclesiastical Record 105 (1966) 127–8). Housed in paper folder marked ‘1398/71’ (in pencil) on front cover.

Collation: single leaf, former conjugate of C 110, pp. 1–2; signature ‘b’ (f. [1]v, centre of lower margin) shows it to be final leaf of a gathering second in place in its original manuscript and now defective and surviving as follows: C 110, pp. 1–4; chasm; 9–10, 1398/71, f. [1]r–v; order of leaves in remaining part of Ó Callannáin text in C 110: chasm; 7–8; chasm; 11–14; chasm; 5–6. (Order of leaves in remaining part of C 110: 17–18, 16–15; chasm; 19–22; chasm; 24–3; chasm; 25–32.) Stitch-marks. Double columns, ruled in dry point, 73–80 lines. Prick marks for double columns with single inner and outer bounding lines visible on both recto and verso, near, at or within edge of text frame in lower margin, and within text frame in upper margin. Chapter-incipits in display script throughout, with guide-letters written in margins and spaces reserved for ornamental initials but corresponding initials nowhere filled in; marginal symbol for ‘notta’ f. [1]r, outer margin, facing f. [1]rb72. ‘Ceann fo eite’ symbols at f. [1]ra3, 21 and 28, and vb35, 50, 63 and 69 underlined in later hand and indicated by hand-shaped symbols placed in inner margin (no marginal symbol facing f. [1]vb50). Some light staining.

Notes and jottings. (a) f. [1]r, lower margin. ‘Stafford beareth sable [...] argent betwixt three F[...]anks of F[...] [...]d Or / and for his crest a Swan's head for[...]ng out of a Ducall Coronett [...].’ (b) f. [1]v, lower margin. ‘Justicia et fortitudo inuincibilia / sunt’ foll. by bracket and ‘Justice & fortitude are Invincible.’ (c) f. [1]v, outer margin, transversely. ‘This Motto was composed by [...] the [? Doctor] one of the honr fellows of Oxford College [...] of Glover St / arms as followeth.’


[1]ra. ‘Speclaire Arnalldi on Baile Nua’ [i.e. Arnalldus de Villa Nova, [Speculum medicine]{.smallcaps}, chs 40 (in part), 41–53 (i.e. ‘Prima tabula’, chs 10 (in part), 11–18, ‘Secunda tabula’ chs 1–5)]. Acephalous. Beg. here (in ch. beg. [R]ubificatiua medicina dicitur que cutem rubificat sangine quam ad superficiem trahit sua caliditate Ag so in .x. caibidil don clar ceadna noc labhrus don leigeas ruiteac noc deargus an croiceann maille re fuil tarringeas co foirimillac lena teas, C 110, p. 10b77 [= Arnaldus de Villa Nova Speculum (Lyon 1520), f. 17va53, ch. 40 (‘De medicina rubificatiua’)]) aenranna Oir coimiltear artus le huinniun satsailcnis ghil ⁊ atuitim infinnfaidh. First complete section beg. [P]ruritiua [sic leg.; MS [A]ruritiua] medicina inquantum per calitem opera[t]ur atrahendo non differt Ag so an taenmadh caibidil deag in cláir noc labhrus don leigeas tocaisteach in med oibrigis maille re teasaideacht ag tarrang ni defereann on leigeas deargthach, f. [1]ra4 [= Arnaldus, f. 17va68, ch. 41 (‘De medicina pruritiua’)]. Breaks off (with end of ch. beg. Stupefactiva medicina asi seo an .u. caipidil don dara clar noc luaighis don leigheas anmotigtheach, f. [1]vb71 [= Arnaldus, f. 18vb40, ch. 53 (‘De medicina stupefactiua’)]) oir istusga ⁊ isdoimne claochlaigis ⁊ ismo iartur sanoibriugugh hí. Corresponds to Arnaldus, ff. 17va63–18vb52.

© Catalogue record by Aoibheann Nic Dhonnchadha of the School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.