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MS 23 H 19

Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in Royal Irish Academy


23 H 19

Medical Treatises, Fragments.

15th cent. (?). Vellum. Ff. 15. 11¼ × 8. Bd. in terracotta boards : lettered "23 H 19, R.I.A." Before being bound (1931) the ms. was contained in a brown paper wrapper, inscribed "H. & S. MS 224." Cat. p. s08. Scribe, etc., unknown. Parts (i) and (ii) seem to be by the same hand. Rubricated caps. Ms. consists of 3 fragments: (i) a fragmentary version of a tract ascribed to Johannes Ibn Mesue, a more complete copy of which is found in T.C.D. 1314 (H. 2.12, no. 16); (ii) fragm. of a tract based apparently on a work by Galen; (iii) fragm. of a version of the Aphorisms of Hippocrates. Of these (i) has 50 lines to page, (ii) has 60, (iii) has 36.

Pt. i.

fo. 1 r. Beg. Nos autem de tempore colecionis medicinarum.

ibid., 1. 10 from foot. "Capitulum primum, on choice of medicines.

fo. 2 r. 2,1. 6. Cecunda intencio est canon in recteficacionem medicinarum.

ibid., 1. 12 from foot. Capitulum primum, de recceficacionem medicinarum, etc.

fo. 2 v. 1, 1. 29. Canon cecundus ag seolad toirmisg mhailisi na leighes lacthach.

ibid., col. 2, 1. 7 from foot. Capitulum cecundum de reccificacionem medicinarum.

Pt. ii.

fo. 3 r. 2,1.12. Labrum anois do naduir an leighis cornsuigigthe.

fo. 3 v. 1, 1. 34. Labrum. anois do modh in dileghtha.

fo. 4 r. 1, l. 17. Uirtus naturalis est ... Labrum anois dona brighaib.

fo. 4 v. 2, 1. 29. Figura considiratur secundum uertutim, etc.

fo. 5 r. 1. Heading rubricated: Spiritus est corpus subtili inter aerem ⁊ ignem medium .i. Is eadh is spirad and, etc.

col. 2, 1. 32. Omne compositum sapit naturum componensium .i. gach uile ni cumusga connbaigh aig naduir na neithedh o cumuscthur e.

fo. 5 v. 1, 1. 6 from foot. Spiritus naturalis ex solo sangine generari.

fo. 6 v. 1, L 8. De cordis autem crasibus . . . is edh adeir Galienus, etc.

fo. 7 r. 1, 1. 25. Be epatis autem calidi, etc. Ends imperf. on fo. 8 v.: ⁊ fedtar an sechran sin do beith ar in . . .

Pt. iii.

fo. 9 r. A very fragmentary version of the Aphorisms of Hippocrates; only isolated leaves remaining. Beg. impf. bk. iv, Aph. 18, Supra dyafragma dolores sursurn f armada . . . .i. gach teinnes bes on scairt cleibh suas dleghur in leighes folmuighhe. Cf. no. 447, p. 45, trans. here from a different Latin version of Hippocrates. Numbers of Aphorisms are correctly marked in marg. by the scribe. Fo. 9 v. 1, aph. 36 (Sudores, ete.) to 48 (In non deficientibus febribus, etc.) ends impf.

fo. 10 r. Beg. impf. bk. v, aph. 25 (in articulis tumores) to 42 (mulieri si quid masculum, etc.); fo. 10 v., aph. 43 (si mulieri praegnanti) to aph. 58 (in ano flegmonem).

fo. 11 r. Beg. impf. bk. ii, aph. 19 (acutorum morborumi, etc.) to aph. 33 (in omni egritudine, etc.); fo. 11 v., aph. 34 (In morbis, etc.) to aph. 52 (Omnia secundum rationem, etc.).

fo. 12 r. Beg. impf. (Ictericis si epar) bk. vi, aph. 42 to aph. 54 (In acutis passionibus).

fo. 12 v. (potagrica 7 maniaca) aph. 55 to bk. vii, aph. 11 (In pleuretide periplemonia).

fo. 13 r. Beg. impf. bk. ii, aph. 53 (Quicumque uentres,).

fo. 13 v. Ends bk. iii, aph. 21 (Estate vero, etc.).

fo. 14 r. Continues bk. iii to fo. 14 v., 1. 6, bk. iv, aph. 1 (Praegnamtes si convenit purgare); ends aph. 17 (Non febricitantibus).

fo. 15 r. Beg. impf. bk. vi, aph. 8 (Ydropicis que nascuntur in corpore, etc.), ends fo. 15 v., aph. 41 (Quibuscumque sanies, etc.). The proper order of these leaves is ff. 11, 13, 14, 9, -, 10, -, 15, 12.